Michael J. Abraham: Quasi-Realism

Color Theory and Experimental Subject Matter
Titled “Quasi-Realism,” this exhibition aims to explore the way that Abraham uses color theory and experimental subject matter to delve into everyday scenes that might unsettle you. Known for his use of architectural elements and creative nature, his art often focuses on human perception better expressed on the canvas than in words. From an ominously sized electrical plug to a tangle of wires coming out of light switches in the basement, Abraham is a master of finding quiet moments that challenge your notion of reality.
A Houston Local
While Michael J. Abraham was born in Queens, New York, and raised in Brooklyn and Long Island, he has been a resident of the Houston area for over 30 years. Over the last five years, Abraham has been accepted into numerous juried shows in the Houston area receiving multiple awards in distinguished juried exhibitions. In 2023, the Visual Arts Alliance sponsored its annual juried show at Reeves Art + Design where Abraham received an award recognizing his work.