Abstract landscape of the southwest United States with aspen trees in the background. The serigraph is signed by the artist. It is not framed.
Artist Biography
Elizabeth Walmsley was born in Barberton, Ohio and lived in California, Arizona, and Mexico before settling in Dallas. She graduated from Washington University, St. Louis, with a baccalaureate in architecture (1922) and worked in St. Louis as an interior designer (1922-1930). Further study included graduate work at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas; and School of Fine Arts, Washington University, St. Louis; the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center; and France and Italy. She taught at the Hockaday School, Dallas (1934-1936), then at Southern Methodist University, Dallas (1937-1967), where she was chairman of the art department (1956-1965). She earned a master of arts from Texas State College for Women, Denton (1947). Her specialties were art history, watercolors, printmaking, interior design, and crafts.
H 11 in. x W 15 in. x D .004 in.