Impressionist portrait of Rousseau framed with plants and animals seen in his jungle scenes. The artist palette is a separate sheet attached to the surface of the canvas. The canvas is signed by the artist in the bottom corner. It is framed in a wooden frame.
Artist Biography
Ivel Weihmiller was born in Argentina in 1954. Although she studied psychology from 1972 - 1974, she maintained a steady interest in art. Her first exhibits were in Argentina in 1973. Ms. Weihmiller, together with the Argentinan artist Jorge Orta, founded the art gallery 'Il Duomo' in 1974 at the city of Rosario. In March 1975, Ms. Weihiller visited the United States and Canada for the first time. She moved to Washington DC in 1976, at which time she had her first show in this country. Ms. Weihmiller has had individual and group shows in Argentina, Mexico and the Untied States, and has participated in the Wash Art '78 and the Art Expo '79. One Woman Shows 1980 Galeria Palatina, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1976 Galeria La Muestra, Argentina & Galeria Kass, Rosario, Argentina 1975 Galeria Cafe y Arte, Mexico City, Mexico Galeria Cafe y Arte, Mazatlan, Mexico Galeria Cafe y Arte, Monterrey, Mexico Galeria Cafe y Arte, Guadalajara, Mexico Galeria El Pabellon, Mexico City, Mexico 1975 Galeria Santa Rosa, Argentina Galeria La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1974 Bariloche Center, Neuquen, Argentina Galeria 'Il Duomo', Rosario Argentina 1973 Galeria Kass, Rosario, Argentina & Galeria Canal 10, Mar del Plata, Argentina Group Shows 1979 Galeria Genesis, Rosario, Argentina 1978 Wash Art '78, Washington DC, USA 1976 Union Club, Washington DC, USA 1975 Museo Sivori, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1974 Salon de Poesia Illustrada, Mar del Plata, Argentina 1973 Centro Cultural Genreal San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina Museo Municipal de Belles Artes "Juan B. Casatagnino", Rosario, Argentina
H 52 in. x W 39.5 in. x D 2 in.
Dimension without Frame
H 50 in x W 38 in.