Orange toned modern abstract watercolor painting of a nude woman standing by a bathroom mirror by artist David Spence. While known for his sculptures, this work is a fantastic example of his watercolor work. Signed and dated by artist in front lower left corner. Currently hung in a dark wood frame with a light tan matting.
Artist Biography
David Spence was born in a small coal-mining town in, West Virginia and grew up in Bristol, Virginia. After high school, he entered the U.S.C.G. Soon after leaving the military, David moved to New York City, where He gained extensive artistic knowledge in technique, style, art history, and the art world in general. In the early 1970’s, David decided after five years in N.Y.C. it was a good time to return to Abingdon, Virginia where he continued making art his business. David later moved to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he took to working more with marble and wood sculpture again. After refining these skills for those mediums, he moved to Houston, Texas, where he immediately began working in Bronze. Once he’d mastered the bronze casting process, a year later, he opened his own art foundry. Soon after, David begin searching for new ideas and felt that his work needed a new energy, and that passion lead to extensive travels throughout Mexico, in quest for new insight. It was in Mexico where he met the woman who was to become his wife. Soon after, David and his wife, Martha returns to Houston, David felt the time ripe for making more drastic changes in his career. They sold everything for adventures that would take them to many parts of Europe, ultimately settling in the mountains of Tuscany, Italy. A year later, a baby was on its way, which led them hoping on another trans-Atlantic flight, ending up for a seven year stay in, Mexico. Not long after arriving back on familiar turf, David, again, set up an art foundry to create an even larger assemblage of bronze sculptures, utilizing his expertise and passion for multi-color patina work executed on, well in excess of 185 bronzes, all, exhibition ready by the time he sold his studio foundry and returned to America in the late spring of 1993. He moved his studio and art foundry operation to Dallas, Texas and turned that into a much larger company, Dallas Fine Arts Foundry. After five years building the fine art casting business and finding it too much of a distraction from his own creations, David moved his family back to Mexico. In January 2002, David received an outdoor commission in Virginia. After he arrived, he realized he needed to set up another art foundry to successfully produce his project within a reasonable time span. Soon after, he shut down both his art studio and art foundry in Virginia, deciding a permanent move is what he needed. San Antonio was different enough to contemplate new ideas for his art, allowing a fresh kind of enlightenment to emerge. A new kind of energy in the form of watercolors, that took about a year before falling in place. Suddenly, he knew the only thing he could paint was his own organic forms and shapes that he’d created in his wood and stone sculptures.
Dimensions With Frame
H 34.38 in. x W 28.38 in. x D 1 in.
Dimensions Without Frame
H 30 in. x W 24 in.